Raju Sharma Dhakal, a 17-year-old college student in Nepal, was reportedly released from prison on November 3, 2004, but was immediately re-arrested by security forces at the prison gates. His whereabouts are currently unknown and he stands at very high risk of torture or "disappearance."
Please take a moment to contact the Nepalese authorities to express concern for the safety of Raju Sharma Dhakal and urge them to immediately make his whereabouts public.
Click here to take action:
In both 2002 and 2003, Nepal recorded the highest number of "disappearances" of any country in the world. People detained by the security forces are often held in army barracks with no access to their families, lawyers or medical treatment. They also face a high risk of torture, including beatings, and are sometimes held in solitary confinement or kept blindfolded for the entire time they are in custody.
Other cases where your urgent response can make a difference:
Ecuador: Fear for safety of indigenous community leader in Amazon’s rainforest
Marlon Santi, President of the Sarayaku indigenous community in Ecuador Amazon’s rainforest and candidate to the Presidency of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), received death threats on December 21 and 22. Amnesty International is concerned for his safety as the threats were made before the CONAIE elections on December 23.
United Arab Emirates: Two women sentenced to flogging for becoming pregnant outside marriage
Rad Zemah Sinyai Mohammed and Wasini bint Sarjan have been sentenced to flogging for becoming pregnant outside marriage by a Shari’a (Islamic law) court in the Emirate of Ras al-Khaimah. Amnesty International considers the punishment of flogging to constitute cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment amounting to torture.
Thank you for supporting Amnesty International's efforts to defend the human rights of the individuals featured in these actions.
Best wishes,
Rosa Del Angel
Web Advocacy Associate
Online Action Center
Amnesty International USA
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